17. un 18. aprīlī LU SZF viesosies profesore Şule Yüksel Özmen no Trazbonas universitātes (Trabzon University) Turcijā. Divās interaktīvās lekcijās profesore stāstīs par spēļošanas (gamification) izmantošanu žurnālistikā, pievēršoties idejai par “ziņu spēlēm” kā video spēļu un ziņu satura kombināciju.

Profesores lekcijas notiks LU SZF 414. auditorijā pirmdien, 17. aprīlī, plkst. 14.30 un otrdien, 18. aprīlī, plkst. 10:30 kursa “Sociālie mediji un digitālā kultūra” ietvaros, bet tajās piedalīties iespējams arī citiem interesentiem.

Lekcijas notiks angļu valodā, pasniedzējas vizīte LU SZF notiek Eramsus+ mobilitātes programmas ietvaros.

Sīkāk ar tēmas izklāstu var iepazīties anotācijā:

Developments in information and communication technologies have changed and transformed journalism as well as many other professions. The increase in distracting factors as a result of individuals living connected to the network at all times has revealed the necessity for newsrooms to explore new forms of digital narrative in order to attract the attention of readers and ensure the sustainability of this attention when it comes to the journalism profession.

In this context, "news games", which combine "video games" and "news content", draw attention as a new form of rich content that has been emphasised in recent years and used by many important newspapers on their websites. The way to the concept of newsgame first passes through digital storytelling. Next stops were interactive journalism and immersive journalism.

Newsgames combining “video games” with “news content” draws attention as a new rich content form that has been emphasized in recent years and used by many important newspapers and magazines on their websites. Newsgames are serious computer games designed to illustrate a specific and concrete aspect of news by means of their procedural rhetoric, with the goal of participating in the public debate. Newsgames are ephemeral as the news they illustrate, and they often have editorial lines correspondent to the lines dictated by their parent media.

News games enrich the practice of news consumption with features such as the power of creating empathy between the user and the people who are the subject of the news by simulating real events, providing the highest level of interaction with game elements, instant feedback, immersiveness, visual and auditory intensity. News games are considered as a new approach to digital storytelling in new media and subjected to a descriptive analysis through examples within the framework of news games typologies. We will learn the structure and types of news games in this lesson. We will not only learn but also experience the user experience by playing the best news game examples.

Attēlā profesore Şule Yüksel Özmen
